Shapley Heath Garden Village
Lightwood, in partnership with L&Q Estates (formally Gallagher Estates), has been working to develop proposals at Shapley Heath for the past seven years with a realisable vision to deliver over 5000 homes, with land available to deliver nearer 10,000 homes, businesses, schools, woodlands, open space, country parks and greenspace. Lightwood has secured contractual positions with landowners to control the delivery of half of the area proposed and have a detailed in depth understanding of the technical constraints and the infrastructure requirements that this proposition is based upon.
As is always the case with large scale developments, plans cannot be made unilaterally or in isolation. Lightwood has engaged positively with local stakeholders and is working closely and collaboratively with Hart District Council to ensure that this vision is realised. Together this ensures that diversity, quality affordable homes and infrastructure can be delivered quickly with capacity and expertise to accelerate the delivery of the planning of new homes.
A Garden Communities bid made to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government by Hart District Council with support from Lightwood and L&Q Estates was successful, with Shapley Heath awarded Garden Village status.