Lightwood Directors, Phil Chichester and James Turner were invited by the National Trust as the key note speakers to present to members of the National Planning Forum and The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) at their event, “NPPF and the Environment – The right homes in the right places?”.
Lightwood have been recognised as a company that is able to deliver strategic new settlements that respond positively to the surrounding landscape and biodiversity, future proofing the new settlements for generations to come.
The starting point with all schemes is the contract and having a good relationship with the landowner. Securing land at the right price enables a pure masterplanning process as schemes are designed around landscape and biodiversity constraints rather than economic drivers, ensuring that the right homes are in the right place. The schemes do not necessarily cost more money to deliver but take more input from the promoters and consultants to design.
Lightwood’s partnership with industry leader, Bosch, ensures the infrastructure is future proofed by embedding the latest innovative ideas of today.
The very valuable consequence of this work is that you deliver a scheme where people want to live. Improving house sales rates and values while providing a net biodiversity gain that would not be afforded without the delivery of new homes.
Lightwood Land is working with multiple landowners and is now promoting over 300 acres of predominantly farming land on their behalf. Lightwood has been working with the local authority to deliver their vision for the area.
Such large-scale development enables significant improvements to local infrastructure, transport and community facilities including; new primary and secondary schools, swimming pool, civic space, countryside park, significant motorway improvements, community open space and children’s play facilities.
This project provides an exciting opportunity to be involved in the shaping of future communities.
Lightwood Land will be promoting over 200 acres of land in and around Winchfield for a new Garden Village. Despite being a small village, Winchfield has a main line railway station, which connects to both London and Basingstoke.
Lightwood is promoting sites on behalf of a collection of landowners to deliver the broad location for growth at Winchfield. This is an idea, which is currently being considered in the emerging local plan.
It is estimated the area could deliver around 2000 dwellings with in the plan period.