
The proposal for two 4000ft² homes on land to the rear of 4 Fairmile Lane, following demolition of the existing garage, is in keeping with character and appearance of the area which is defined by large detached homes on wide boulevards with established surroundings.

Located on the exclusive Fairmile Estate in Cobham, the site offers excellent links to Gatwick & Heathrow, quick access to London and is well placed for a number of excellent schools, including Danes Hill in Oxshott and ACS international School in Cobham.

Thames Ditton

Lightwood were unsuccessful in their original application for a pair of semi-detached units on this overgrown and underutilised parcel of privately owned land which is located within the built up settlement boundary of Thames Ditton on the basis that it lacked a street frontage.

To overcome this reason for refusal, a sympathetically designed office was introduced at the head of the access road.


Given its steep gradient, elevated position and tight access, this site was extremely complicated in planning. Issues of overlooking and satisfactory visibility splays were cleverly dealt with resulting in a scheme that was unanimously supported by the Waverley Planning Committee.


Located in a densely populated and busy urban area, the site was occupied by a car breakers yard and MOT testing station. The development comprised the construction of a two/three-storey building including 7 two-bedroom and 2 one-bedroom flats with provision of associated parking, cycle and bin stores.

The contemporary and stylish design was welcomed by the local community who were keen to see the dilapidated and noisy existing use replaced, so much so that a petition of support was submitted to the Planning Committee.


Underutilised land partly within the flood plain was granted consent locally by planning officer delegated approval.  The key element of consideration was impact on neighbouring amenity and privacy so we had to carefully consider the massing and design of our building and most notability its height.  Slab levels were exasperated by predicted flood levels so the balance was to create a safe living environment for the future occupiers whilst also respecting our neighbours.

Dormans Park

Set within an historic park in the Sussex countryside, soon to be reclassified as a settlement within the greenbelt, we were attracted to this project because of its previous planning refusals.  Extremely considered design and layout in combination with on-going discussion with the Local Planning Authority resulted in a unanimous approval by the planning committee.  A very challenging project due to the large amount of protected trees and the very specific local character but we welcomed eventual success.


A challenging project in planning terms which culminated in planning consent, awarded by the Planning Inspectorate for two beautiful bespoke houses accessed off a private drive. The houses have now been built and sold.


A site with an exceptional view, we decided that this unique setting warranted a contemporary design. We believe that the design brief for a project has to be led by local character and the site setting, not by market or client demand. With this belief in mind we created a contemporary property that benefitted from a large amount of rear fenestration to maximise the glorious views. The design also allowed us to provide a high level of sustainable construction material and use renewable energy sources.


A very high value location neighbouring and mirroring one of our previous developments for two 6,000 sq ft houses of high quality design and finish.  Planning was achieved in record time and granted consent under delegated powers .

Walton on Thames

A small underutilised site, within the town centre, that has been subject to three recent planning refusals.  Set amongst Preserved Trees and adjacent to a Listed Building, the site presented its planning challenges. Through careful negotiation with the Local Authority we gained a planning consent with local support and under officers delegated powers.  The properties have since been built and occupied.


Oak House Mews
43 The Parade
KT10 0PD

Tel: 01372 464 819


4 Carlos Place,
Mayfair London


2 Farleigh Court
Old Weston Road
Flax Bourton
BS48 1UR