The site is located to the south east of Burgh Heath, less than 1km from Kingswood mainline railway station and 5km from Junction 8 of the M25. Measuring approximately 29 hectares, Lightwood believe it is capable of accommodating c.400 homes.
The land is identified as not only Green Belt but also a being within an Area of Great Landscape value, but not AONB. The Area of Great Landscape Value is an extensive designation north of the M25. Lightwood believe that the AGLV designation lacks credibility in respect of the site as it is distinct from that within the Green Belt and wider landscape designations.
Lightwood will be promoting its release from the Green Belt and subsequent allocation for residential use through the Local Plan process.
Sandridgebury Farm measures around 66ha and lies to the north of St Albans. Lightwood signed Sandridgebury Farm in Summer 2019. The core planning strategy is to achieve an allocation in the next review of the Local Plan, beginning in around 5 years time. We envisage it being a major part of an urban extension of 2000-2500 homes. The farm is in the Green Belt, but this designation covers all of the local authority area, and it has shown a willingness to alter the Green Belt in the current phase of plan review.
The land represents the last logical northern extension of the town. Beyond the northern boundary lies Heartwood Forest (Woodland Trust) and a firming long term break on development . To the west of the railway an urban extension of 1,000 houses is already planned. Our strategy is to present the subject land as a logical further step. The Council own an area of about 22ha within the wider study area and we intend to work with the estates department to devise a comprehensive vision and masterplan.
The land is to the east of the A4174 Avon Ring Road and just to the south of Emersons Green and Lyde Green. It is formed of three titles and the three separate landowners are all signatories to a single promotion agreement. Lightwood signed this site in March 2019. A suite of technical studies have been commissioned to prepare a site layout and to establish housing numbers; our estimate is 300+ dwellings.
Lightwood will be making the case for the land to be removed from the Green Belt within the South Gloucestershire Local Plan Review, and will be seeking to influence the examination of the West of England Joint Spatial Plan, which will set the context for South Gloucestershire to 2036. Strategic matters such as the housing requirement, brownfield capacity, and the nature of the planned land supply (e.g. large complex sites versus smaller deliverable locations) will be addressed. Our technical work will promote the sites specific credentials, relative to other locations. Our goal is to have the land released from the Green Belt by 2023.
New Settlements are being promoted by councils in North Essex as part of the current and long-term strategy for the future of development of the region. There is Government support for this approach under the Garden Village agenda.
Monks Wood presents a genuine, credible and most importantly deliverable Garden Community concept for Braintree District Council. This single ownership 2,200 acre estate would deliver 5,000 homes, secondary and primary schools, open space and woodland. We have reserved significant contributions for local road improvements responding to Essex County Council’s vision for an improved countywide road network.
With technical delivery partners, Lightwood is committed to this development being ‘smart’, ensuring through technology employed during construction and post development through data exchange that zero carbon emission should be an achievable benchmark. Further smart travel choices and a variety of mobility choices will contribute to a safer and healthier lifestyle blueprint.
Lightwood are promoting land for development on behalf of landowners who are an educational charity. Lightwood has been working with the local school, which adjoins the land to explore opportunities to collaborate and ensure development provides benefit to the school as well as unlocking much needed housing in the area.
South Oxfordshire identifies a need for 1,154 dwellings to be allocated at the 12 ‘Larger Villages’ between 2011 and 2027, with allocations and planning permissions elsewhere it is generally accepted that 500 of these homes will need to be accommodated within the larger villages, of which Crowmarsh Gifford is one.
Lightwood was approached by the landowners of this small but strategically important parcel of land on the edge of the village of Ovingdean just outside the city of Brighton.
This was a highly sensitive development location on the edge of the South Downs National Park but identified within the local authority’s urban fridge assessment. The critical advancement of this project was to understand and work with the local authority over the balance of acceptable development compared with the sensitive policy designations.
Unprecedented ecology solutions which served to protect and relocate a rare species of plant, along with the creation of horse paddock integrated within the development, served to create an acceptable scheme which was supported by the local authority planning officers and the Planning Inspectorate.
The site is currently being promoted to Guildford Borough Council as a suitable site for residential development through the site allocations process. Our master plan and concept document allows for a sensitive infill in this picturesque country village.
Lightwood was invited to promote both of these sites in the village of Stalbridge and in doing so developed a very positive working relationship with local councillors and planning officers.
The primary challenge was to assist the local community with the relocation of sporting facilities and to ensure that the village received a substantial amount of affordable housing for local residents. Aside from the practical aspirations of the scheme, landscape impacts and adherence to the form and style of the Conservation Area were paramount.
This scheme proved to be an example of positive working relationships and decisions made around the planning balance.
Mole Valley currently cannot demonstrate a five year land supply and as a result are taking a proactive step in assessing where their green belt boundaries can be changed to release more housing land. Lightwood are currently promoting two parcels of land at Rolls Farm and have submitted a comprehensive proposal to the local planning authority and the local Neighbourhood Planning Group. Our proposal provides a natural extension to the settlement and demonstrates deliverability with local character in mind.